How do I obtain a letter for immigration / Visa / sponsorship / adoption purposes?

Go to
  1. Click ‘GET STARTED’
  3. Login to your account providing the requested information

After logging in:

  1. Click on the Immigration/Adoption Letters tab
  2. The email will be automatically generated with the same email used to log in the portal
  3. Provide a phone number for contact purposes, in the event we have an additional question
  4. Provide the email you would like us to return the letter to
  5. If you would like the original mailed to you, please click the box and additional boxes will appear to provide the physical address
  6. Choose the option to have a notary sign and stamp the letter if this is needed
  7. Choose whether you want your pay rate included on the letter.
  8. Read the Terms and Conditions
  9. Agree to the Terms and Conditions
  10. Submit


If you are unable to access the Immigration/Adoption tab within the portal or have any trouble please reach out to our team by contacting us at



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